Custom Learning & Development Solutions
A Boutique Business Specializing in ELearning Design & Development
Providing scalable, individualized learning and development (L&D) solutions to solve employee and customer training challenges to medium-sized organizations and large corporations.
Our Team is Your Team
Full Service Design & eLearning Consultants
If you own a small business or are part of an organization that lacks an in-house training department, it can be difficult to know where to begin addressing the multitude of learning and development needs required to run a successful training department. Even large enterprises with dedicated L&D resources; training directors, instructional designers, graphic designers, creative producers, and multimedia specialist may operate at full capacity — leaving them without the bandwidth to take on large, complex projects when the need is greatest.
Do These Sound Familiar?
Business Employee Training Challenges
The need for scalable training
Owners not having the time to train employees
Slow training delivery
Lack of training material
Limited bandwidth
Not enough facilitators or instructors
Lack of virtual/remote trainers
eLearningTEK Solves These Challenges
Designing And Developing The Tools You Need TO SuCCEED
Whether for volunteer opportunities, food handling, aviation, insurance, technology or any other subject that requires in depth or detailed education, online learning (eLearning) is a scalable and cost-effective way to provide consistent, on-demand training for students, customers and short-term or long-term employees. We design and develop the tools you need for:
Onboarding training
Compliance training
Comprehensive learning material
Customer education presentations and videos
“Training is not a cost of doing business. It’s an investment in your success and an ongoing process.”
— Dick Meyer, Former Regional Vice President of Operations for Carrabas Restaurants
What We Can Do For You
Onboarding Training
As your company grows, it becomes increasingly challenging to have qualified instructors, conference rooms, and sessions in place to onboard new employees in a timely fashion.
Compliance Training
Customer Education
Providing customers with the education and information they need to understand your product or service can help minimize misunderstandings and liability around complex subjects.
Learning Materials
Onboarding Training
As your company grows, it becomes increasingly challenging to have qualified instructors, conference rooms, and sessions in place to onboard new employees in a timely fashion. There are times when elearning is more practical. Online training allows employees to hit the ground running as soon as they finish their course — sometimes as early as Day Two. In-person training means time and money spent — for instructors and students alike. We create online training that allows employees to take training remotely when their schedule allows, alleviating the need for multiple sessions and avoiding coverage conflicts.
Compliance Training
Annual training on topics like HIPPA or sexual harassment education raise the same logistical and scheduling concerns as other learning efforts, with the added frustration of being repetitive. Do you really need live instructors to repeat nearly identical information, year after year? Annual compliance courses are easily turned into low-maintenance eLearning/online materials that can be updated — only as needed — when regulations evolve.
Customer Education
Presentations and videos to educate customers is essential for organizations that offer a complex product or service (e.g., legal services, or software sales training). Employees and customers likely need some assistance in fully understanding the scope of your process — as well as timelines, costs, risk, and so on. Providing customers with the education and information they need to understand your product or service can help minimize misunderstandings and liability around complex subjects.